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Pars Afshin and studies in Sweden

Studying in European universities and Sweden as one of the goals of Iranian students has always been considered as a valuable option. Iranian graduates and students of European universities, due to their high motivation, perseverance and purposefulness, have achieved success and high degrees in the countries where they study, and the high percentage of Iranian students who pass master’s and doctorate degrees in prestigious foreign universities, successfully submit papers and Published in reliable scientific journals and the high percentage of absorption in the labor market confirm this.

Although the demand for studying in Europe for Iranian students has increased significantly in recent years, studying in Europe for us Iranians is not exclusive to recent years. According to an article by Dr. Manouchehr Saadat Noori, during the Safavid era and during the reign of Shah Abbas II, the first Iranian student named Mohammad Zaman, a painter who was the son of Haj Yusuf, went to Italy to study in Rome. In the following years during the Qajar era, with the progress of Europe in science and technology, Iranian students were sent to Europe to study in these fields of study. Military science and technology is another branch of Iranian studies in Europe. Well-known figures such as Mohsen Hashtroudi, Mehdi Azar, Ali Razmara, Abbas Iqbal Ashtiani have had a significant impact on the progress and elevation of Iran by studying in Europe.

On the other hand, universities in European countries try to attract as many international students as possible by updating and standardizing educational and welfare services for students and providing necessary facilities for foreign students by creating new capacities.

The decision to study abroad is always accompanied by questions for the applicants and their families, such as, “Which country and which university is the best choice according to the academic level and knowledge of a foreign language and financial ability?” Environmental conditions, weather and climate And culturally, which country is more suitable? Which field of study is suitable according to the current conditions? Is there a job market in the future by spending time, financial and educational resources in this field? In which countries and under what conditions, study visa When should you apply for registration and send documents? And countless other questions that arise in deciding to study abroad. Applicants try to get information in different ways, and all these information channels necessarily represent information. It is absolutely not correct.

Pars Afshin Institute was established with the aim of providing wide, diverse and reliable services for applicants to study in Sweden. Relying on the experience, knowledge necessary in this profession and having an official representative of Swedish universities, we offer the best possible option for studying according to the general and specific conditions of the applicants and in the entire work process from the time you contact us. We will be by your side until you receive your academic admission and your academic residence and placement at your place of study.

In addition to providing services to those applicants who enter into a contract with this company, other applicants to study in Sweden can also use our free consultants in the offices of this company as well as our website, and the company will benefit from your warm and friendly presence. Warm welcome and we are proud if we can be of help, however small, for a better choice for your loved ones.

An exceptional opportunity to study in Sweden without the need for a language degree at the prestigious Swedish Hyper Island College

Pars Afshin Institute, as the only official and exclusive representative of Hyper Island College in Sweden, is proud to inform you that after long consultations, this institution has succeeded in obtaining the possibility of studying in the specialized courses of Hyper Island College for Iranian applicants.

The courses of this college are held in two cities, Stockholm and Karlskrona, and they are divided into 1-year, one-and-a-half-year, and two-year schedules.


Work permit for students and companions in Sweden

Having a work permit and financial planning for the duration of your stay and study in Sweden is one of the most important things that you should consider before studying in Sweden. You should have accurate and realistic budgeting so that you do not face the problem of lack of funds and do not have to return in the middle of your studies.

Before getting into the legal conditions of your and your companions’ work permit in Sweden, we must remind you that finding a job in the first months after your arrival is very difficult and a handful of students and companions are successful from the moment they arrive in Sweden. have been to find work. We recommend that you prepare your financial budget on the basis that you will not find a job for the first year and you will have to cover living and education expenses from your savings.

Student work permit in Sweden

All students, whether students of English language courses in Sweden or students of bachelor’s, one-year or two-year master’s degrees, are allowed to work. This work permit is for 20 hours a week and you can look for work or investment even without having a number of personnel.

Student companions in Sweden

If the duration of the study stay given to the student’s companion is more than 6 months, the student’s companion is allowed to work. This means that the companions of Swedish English language course students are not allowed to work or register a company during the first stay, i.e. the first 5 or 6 months. But if the student has directly entered the master’s or bachelor’s degree after completing the language course, the student’s companion will be allowed to work after the approval of the Swedish Immigration Office to extend the student’s study stay. Companions of undergraduate and graduate students have a work permit upon arrival, and this work permit does not have any time limit and they can apply for work without having a number of personnel.

Can I use the services of the Swedish Labor Office?

The Swedish Labor Department does not offer any job search services or unemployment insurance to students and their companions. Of course, students and companions can use the database of required jobs in Sweden and the website of the Swedish Employment Agency to find a job.

Wanted jobs in Sweden

Among our students years ago, students with the following professions and educational qualifications had a better chance of getting a job than others.

Doctors, nurses, computer software engineers, programming, network, mechanical engineers, electrical and telecommunication engineers, industries and teachers